Dantspa Dr. Debashree Chandak


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Tooth Extractions

Tooth decay, tooth infection, and overcrowding can all result in an extraction procedure in extreme cases. Those who get braces may need to have one or two teeth removed to make room for the adjacent teeth as they shift into their correct positions. Tooth extraction is a procedure that is most commonly performed by an oral surgeon or a periodontist. It is an outpatient procedure with local anaesthetic, general anaesthesia, or intravenous anaesthesia.

About tooth extractions

How to prepare for a tooth extraction?

Before your dentist schedules the procedure, he will take an X-ray of your tooth. Be sure to discuss your medication, vitamins, supplements, and over-the-counter medications with your dentist.

If the simple extraction of teeth is performed prior to drug administration, your jaw may be at risk for developing osteonecrosis.

How much does an extraction of the tooth cost?

The cost of tooth extraction in India may vary from Rs. 2,000 to Rs. 8,000. Dentists state that dental X-rays are known as dental radiographs.

Simple extraction

The dentist will provide a local anesthetic to numb the area around your tooth. An elevator will then be used to loosen the tooth and forceps to remove it.

  • Consultation

During the consultation, the doctor will inquire about your complete medical history. The physician will also ask about any drugs you take.

  • Treatment

Your dentist may prescribe antibiotics and painkillers. Make sure to take these medicines as directed.

  • Check up

At each dental checkup, your dental specialist should inspect your teeth and gums, as well as ask about your general health and any problems you’ve had with your teeth, mouth or gums since your last visit.

  • Recovery

After the dentist places the gauze pad over the affected area, bite down on it to reduce bleeding and to help blood clot. Leave the gauze on until it’s soaked with blood.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. When Do We Recommend Tooth Extraction?

A. Overcrowding might occur when the upper and lower jaws overlap or your jaw has insufficient room. Our dentist can recommend teeth pulling in preparation for orthodontic treatment, a procedure done to align the teeth.

Q. What are the steps to the procedure in detail?

A. The dentist will use anesthetic to numb the gums and special pliers are used to pull teeth. Once the gums have been sterilized and stitched, healing will proceed.

Q. How long will gum have to heal?

A. Though the length of the healing process will vary, it often takes 7 to 14 days. The healing process could take additional time as bone grows in the tissues.

Having some trouble with your teeth?

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